Coffee to Go – Progress Update on the Jack Winters Sequel

Sci-fi Adventure
Sci-fi Adventure

This past week several fans of “Aliens & Latte” have emailed me to ask about the sequel. It is heart-warming to know so many people enjoyed the first book and are eagerly awaiting the second.

Well, the good news is that I finished the first draft last month. Now, first drafts always have to be proof-read, edited and polished. No sane writer would ever inflict a first draft on his fans. Heck, I wouldn’t even inflict it on my editor. So I will be going over the manuscript again to clean it up, then send it to my ‘editorial staff’ for final polishing.

I hope to have “Coffee to Go, With Spaceships & a Bounty Hunter” ready this summer. But please be patient. Most writers, myself included, hold down a so-called ‘real job’ for a living. So I get my writing done between the hours of 4 and 7 in the morning before getting ready for work, which means progress is not always as fast as I’d like. It’s a good thing I’m what my wife calls an annoyingly perky morning person, and all I need is a good cup of coffee at 4AM and I’m ready to go. (BTW, according to recent stats, 80% of all writers work at other jobs to pay the bills unless they have a spouse that supports them. This includes traditionally published NYT authors.)

This is my first post since last fall, so admittedly I’ve really sucked at blogging. I’ve been too busy writing and working and keeping up with my kids. But I promise to keep you updated on the progress of the sequel more faithfully in this blog.

And always, if you have any questions or want to know more about Jack Winters and his adventures, please feel free to drop me a line.




Aliens and Latte print version is now available

I’m thrilled to share the news with all my readers that the print version is now ready. I received the proof copy from Amazon Createspace yesterday, and it looks great! This is my first novel in print form, and it was a real thrill to hold the physical book in my hand and look through it. A book is a book, but I have to admit – although I am a huge fan of digital – it was a bigger thrill to see and hold the paper book than it was to see the eBook on my Kindle.

It will be available on Amazon in 2-3 days.

Thanks fans and have fun reading!


Print version ‘Latte’ coming soon

Due to overwhelming demand from at least two friends and my favourite aunty, I’ve decided to go into the tree-killing business and make a print version available of my first book, Aliens, Spaceships and the Occasional Latte. I expect it to be ready shortly, in the next week or so.

It will be available on Amazon. Keep on eye on my blog for the news, or my book site on Amazon.


sci-fi detective
sci-fi detective


Hello world!

sci-fi detective noirWelcome to my new website. I’m glad you came to visit. I write sci-fi detective noir and futuristic fiction featuring hard-boiled detective Jack Winters.

I’m still building my website, so be patient, okay? It will be done soon – hang in there.