A paperback version of ‘Coffee To Go’ is now available, however it may be a few more days or weeks before Amazon has them linked together in all markets. If you search on the title, you will still see them listed separately. I’m told by the folks at Amazon that it sometimes takes a week or so before their automated algorithms link the two.
The paperback version has a different cover, and you may ask why… well, since you are asking, the answer is simple. Economics. All publishers operate on a budget for each title they publish, and indie publishers like myself are no different. Print versions represent a very small fraction of over all sales. In fact, I basically produce a print version to make it easier to give copies away to friends and family, and I probably give more paperbacks away than are sold. So since the bulk of my sales are digital downloads, that is where I decided to spend my money on the cover.
It’s kind of crazy how much extra it costs to get a paperback version of the same cover art, so I made the executive decision to make my own cover for the paperback and use the free images available.